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International Maritime Organisation calls on russia to comply with international conventions and stop threats to merchant shipping in the Black Sea

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The 129th session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council, which met in London, welcomed Ukraine’s efforts to ensure freedom and safety of navigation in the north-western Black Sea and to prevent a global food crisis.

The IMO Council expressed its deep disappointment with the suspension of the Grain Initiative and reiterated its demands that russia immediately cease its military aggression and threats to merchant shipping.

The IMO Council also warned the aggressor state against any actions that would threaten global food security and the supply of food, medicine and essential goods to Ukraine.

“Food for millions of people should not be a weapon in the hands of the aggressor state against the whole world. Neither the world nor Ukraine should and will depend on russia’s desire to participate or not to participate in the Grain Initiative. Together with our partners, we are looking for solutions to continue agricultural exports and restore free trade shipping, as we understand our responsibility to ensure global food security and international trade. The Council of the International Maritime Organisation recognises Ukraine’s right to free trade navigation. A right guaranteed to us by the international law of the sea. The IMO has called on russia to also fulfil its obligations under maritime conventions,” commented the Deputy Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine, Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development.

We remind that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has established a UAH 20 billion Fund to provide compensation guarantees if ships and cargo are damaged as a result of russia’s military aggression.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialised UN agency that regulates international merchant shipping and is responsible for safe navigation. The IMO comprises 175 member states.

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