We herewith propose below business trip for UGA partners.
Trip management – Oleksandr Solovey with support INTL FCStone.
Roughly cost per person – 1500$ (hotel, domestic flights, transportation, and food costs).
Brazil Tour Agenda:
May 6th: Arrive in Sao Paulo
May 7th- Visit Santo port (www.portodesantos.com.br)
, go back to Sao Paulo airport and fly to Parana State
May 8th: visit Parana customers (coops)
May 9th: visit Parana customers (coops) and fly to Mato Grosso May 10th: visit Mato Grosso customers
May 11th: visit Mato Grosso customers
May 12th: fly back to SP and departure back home
Potential Customer of INTLFCStone Brazil that we may visit:
Sorriso area – the largest city in terms of soybean acreage in Brazil) and the plan is to visit some large farmers (average 40 thousand acres – for example www.gmsagro.com.br) )
and talk to them, understand their operations. Trading company (for example www.fiagril.com.br)
and a corn ethanol plant (for example www.fsbioenergia.com.br)
Flights to be covered by each participant to get to and from Brazil. INTLFCStone will invoice each participant by February for hotel, domestic flights, transportation, and food costs.
Please let me know if you have interest in attending this.
Minimum number of people – 20 persons (already confirmed 5 persons).
Deadline for participation confirmation preferably till 31/12/17.
Best regards,
Spike Trade AG
Oleksandr Solovey
Mob.: +380503862991
Skype: solovey_aleksandr
Web: www.spike-trade.com
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