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Engineering & Equipment of Railways

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International Conference “Engineering & Equipment of Railways” to be held on October 25 within the framework of the specialized exhibition Rail Expo 2017


Boosting the speed on railways – dreams and reality:

What prevents Ukrainian railways from increasing a speed?

Global experience and optimal model of main railway line (MRL) for Ukraine.

Priority guidelines to introduce high-speed traffic.

Choosing directions of switching the Ukrainian Railways: East-West, 1520 or 1435? Ukraine’s integration into the

European transport network:

Applicable methods of changing the width of the track.

Rail divorce: is it possible to separate freight and passenger flows?

Challenges to the use of a track for both freight and passenger transportation: limit speeds on the straight and curved sections, barrier to freight trains access to the track.

Traffic safety and infrastructure upgrades – technological solutions for increased speed:

Technologies of continuous gauges.

Register Now!

Conference paper and sponsorship
Natalya Krut
Deputy head manager of
tel./fax: +38 056 370 18 32 ext. 259
mob.: +38 (066) 419 98 91, +38 (068) 410 11 03

For participation, please contact Galina Skvortsova (the manager of the project)
Tel./ Fax: +38 056 370 18 32 доб. 245
Mob.: +38 (097) 963 28 71, + 38 (066) 222 66 48

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