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Car Building & Rolling Stock Repair in Ukraine

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International Conference “Car Building & Rolling Stock Repair in Ukraine” to be held on October 24 within the framework of the specialized exhibition Rail Expo 2017

Central topics of the Conference are as follows:

Double bottomed order portfolio: Why did car fleet renewal campaign fail to spur the rail car building in Ukraine?

Does the country need innovative wagons?

Pay less – earn more! Priorities of public procurement: either low prices or life cycle expenses.

New wagons VS restored ones: economic feasibility and operational efficiency of the restored car fleet in comparison with the new rolling stock. Wagons from the Customs Union secondary market: renting/buying and extending their service life.

What will drive the locomotive building in Ukraine strategic alliances or own searches?

Register Now!

Conference paper and sponsorship
Natalya Krut
Deputy head manager of
tel./fax: +38 056 370 18 32 ext. 259
mob.: +38 (066) 419 98 91, +38 (068) 410 11 03

For participation, please contact Galina Skvortsova (the manager of the project)
Tel./ Fax: +38 056 370 18 32 доб. 245
Mob.: +38 (097) 963 28 71, + 38 (066) 222 66 48


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