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2017 General Assembly

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International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC)

Interested in contributing to the global conversation about the grain trade?
Willing to share your knowledge and experience to shape the governance and future direction of the IGTC?

Then join us for the 2017 General Assembly and related outreach activities!

The last 12 months have been transformative for the International Grain Trade Coalition, with increased global participation, and milestone achievements on files including phytosanitary risk management, electronic trading documention and plant production methods.

This 2017 Ordinary Meeting of the IGTC’s General Assembly will be an important opportunity to discuss the governance and activities of the association, as well as fulfil the items obligated in the IGTC Articles of Association. The agenda will include:

1. IGTC Business Plan
a) Consideration of 2017 financial report
b) Consideration of 2017 activity report
c) Approval of 2018 budget
2. Ratification of Management Council decisions
a) Appointment of new members of the Management Council
b) Approval of admission of new IGTC members
c) Decisions on modifications to the Articles of Association
3. Planning for future in-person meetings, 2018 and 2019

Voting rights

As per the IGTC Articles of Association, decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by consensus of the members present. Members of the General Assembly are members of the IGTC. If voting is deployed, each member of the General Assembly present at the meeting shall have one vote and should be named before November 1, 2017. Names should be submitted to the IGTC Secretariat by E-mail:


We recommend that you plan to arrive on November 14 as we plan to conduct optional outreach meetings with D.C. Stakeholders during November 15, with the IGTC Strategy Session and General Assembly taking place on November 16. Please contact the IGTC Secretariat Katy Lee with any suggestions for the agenda. Katy is also available to assist with visa letters:

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