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The pace of corn exports is significantly behind last year

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in the last week, the United States exported 945,5 thousand tons of maize, despite traders ‘ expectations of 1.2 million tons, the export Volume of corn in the new season is 25% lower than the same date the previous season.

Traders said only  further drop in prices will be able to accelerate the pace of shipments, as the fundamental factors for growth are not yet available.

Some delayed sowing of maize in South America, but rainfall, recent, will help to improve the situation.

According to Grain exchange Buenos Aires, during the last week in Argentina, the corn moved only by 1% and as 15.11.17 planted 35% of the planned area, which is far less than in the previous year, and an annual average for the specified period.

In the Central and southern regions of Brazil corn first crop under seeded 54% of the planned area, which is 15% lower than in last year and 2% below the five-year average.

Since the beginning of the 2017/18 MG as 16.11.17 Ukraine exported 2.4 million tons of corn against 2.9 million tons on the corresponding date last year. The reduction in exports by 18% due to falling demand from customersinand logistic problems with the delivery of grain to port. Delay in harvesting caused a slowdown in exports in September-October, and the decline in world prices in November amid strengthening of the hryvnia has led to the refusal of producers to sell locally grown products.

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