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Ukrainian Grain Association calls on international businesses to boycott Russia immediately!

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The Ukrainian Grain Association calls on all international businesses to stop cooperating with Russian business and the Russian state due to Russia’s bloody war Russia against Ukraine.
We call on all foreign companies to immediately cease operations in Russia, stop purchasing goods and services in Russia, and stop supplying resources and goods to Russian aggressor that is committing war crimes in the 21st century, killing civilians, including women and children, and terrorizing the world with a new nuclear disaster by shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
The continuation of activities in the aggressor country and cooperation with Russian business by any foreign company will mean that international business is profiting by financing the murder of innocent Ukrainians, including women and children. Such companies will be added to the lists of collaborators with the Nazi regime in Russia.

It is time for the international community, in particular socially responsible businesses, to tell – NO WAR, NO MORE KILLINGS OF UKRAINIANS!

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