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V International Forum “Transfer pricing and international tax planning – 2019”

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On May 31, 2019, the fifth International Forum “Transfer pricing and international tax planning – 2019″ will be held in Kyiv

EUCON Legal Group and the International Fiscal Association Ukraine invite you to visit the Jubilee V International Forum “Transfer pricing and international tax planning – 2019”, which will be held in Kyiv on May 31, 2019.

More than 150 participants will gather at one venue and discuss the latest legislative innovations, problems, development prospects and practical aspects of transfer pricing.

The key issues of the forum are the following:

  • the current state of implementation processes in Ukraine of certain provisions of the BEPS plan;

  • new state approaches to transfer pricing control;

  • overview of 2019 innovations and prospects for other expected changes;

  • applying transfer pricing rules as a business planning tool;

  • key aspects of document preparation;

  • risks of applying methods based on the calculation of the profitability indicator;

  • basic principles for segmentation of financial statements for TP purposes;

  • the latest court practicein the context of disputes on the merits of procedures for substantiating the compliance of the terms of operations with the “arm’s length” principle;

  • international experience in applying TP rules;

  • Practical examples of the choice of methods for different types of business operations.

Our event is a great opportunity for taxpayers to hear the opinions of experts, get answers to urgent questions, chat with representatives of the State Fiscal Service, get acquainted and share experiences with colleagues.

Venue: Hotel Khreschatyk, Kyiv, 14 Khreshchatyk, str., Grand Hall Khreshchatyk.

Speakers:officials of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, SFS of Ukraine, judges, domestic and foreign experts in the field of transfer pricing, practicing lawyers and auditors.


  • Legal Group EUCON;

  • School of transfer pricing.

Financial directors and chief accountants of enterprises that carry out controlled operations, experts planning and economic departments and department of TP, lawyers working in tax practices, auditors are invited to the Event to participate in the forum.

Contact person: Olena Vakulik, tel. 044-238-09-44, e-mail:


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