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EBRD-FAO Global Forum | Responsible Private Sector Investments in Food and Agriculture

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Enabling responsible investments in food and agriculture requires leadership and the engagement of all stakeholders given the complex challenges facing the sector around the world, especially in emerging markets. To develop such an environment it is essential that global financial institutions work together effectively and promote strategic collaboration towards investing responsibly in agri-food value chains. Priorities include better understanding of private sector needs, more coordination to support responsible private investments, and working with governments to promote good policies and business environments.

With this in mind, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will hold the Global Forum in Marrakech, Morocco, to discuss the opportunities and challenges in enabling responsible private sector investments in food and agriculture.

The forum will bring together key policy-makers, government officials from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, investors and prominent business leaders of global and regional companies, and representatives of multilateral development institutions and the European Union.

Specifically, the Global Forum in Marrakesh will be an excellent opportunity to discuss: 

private sector investment priorities in emerging markets, with the support of global financing institutions
strategic alliances and ways to strengthen multilateral collaboration to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
innovative approaches in investing responsibly and making agri-food systems greener and more inclusive
sharing experiences and suggestions to overcome constraints and encourage an enabling environment for private investments.

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