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The VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation – 2020”

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Attention! The VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation – 2020” will be held online on July 30, 2020!

Dear Colleagues! Good afternoon!

In connection with the introduction of security measures in Ukraine under adaptive quarantine, the instability of the situation and the inability to predict the timing of possible easing of anti-epidemic measures, the organizing committee of the forum decided to hold the International Forum “Transfer pricing and international taxation” in ONLINE format on July 30, 2020.

Recall that during the forum it is planned to discuss the following issues: 

  • the current status of implementation in Ukraine of certain provisions of the BEPS plan; 
  • new approaches of the state in the organization of control in the sphere of transfer pricing; 
  • a review of the 2020 innovations and prospects for other expected changes; 
  • consequences of ratification of the Agreement on FATCA Implementation concluded between Ukraine and USA; 
  • details of the start of the process of exchange of information on financial accounts of non-residents under the international CRS standard within the framework of the implementation of the BEPS plan in Ukraine; 
  • applying transfer pricing rules as a business process planning tool; 
  • quality criteria for the preparation of documentation through the lens of inspections and observations of the supervisory authorities; 
  • cases of recent checks on compliance with the “arm’s length” principle; 
  • the latest litigation in the context of disputes on the merits of procedures to justify compliance with the terms of the transactions to “arm’s length” principle. 
  • international experience in applying TP rules; 
  • practical examples of method selection for different types of business transactions.

 The program of the event will be announced later.

Speakers: officials of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, STS of Ukraine, judges, domestic and foreign experts in the field of transfer pricing, legal practitioners and auditors. 


  • EUCON Legal Group; 
  • Transfer Pricing School. 

Co-organizer: International Fiscal Association Ukraine.

Details and registration:

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