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Already in February, an extraordinary project, the 1st Specialized Agrarian Forum – SMART AGRO BUSINESS FORUM will open the big business season. It will be held on February 28, 2018, at the following address: Kyiv, 1 Dorogozhytska street, the conference hall of UNIT.City Technopark – UNIT.Core.

The SMART AGRO BUSINESS FORUM is a professional platform for agribusiness development that brings together over 200 CEOs of agricultural holdings, farm businesses, investors, startuppers, technology producers and service providers.

The forum will traditionally serve as a unique communication and exhibition event, which will allow assessing the current level, potential, and prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, as well as existing innovative technologies for the modernization of agriculture.

Speakers of the Forum will introduce the tools they successfully use, running their companies, as well as the history of their companies and why the agricultural industry is attractive for businessmen and investors.

The Forum main topic will be a discussion of the agricultural industry development, summing-up activities of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex in 2017, as well as further development perspectives, exchange of experience and discussion of the latest trends in the food market improvement, technologies of management product processing n 2018. The Forum will give the opportunity for all participants to expand customer and partner base.

At the Forum you will find:

 – Leaders debates: CEOs of agricultural companies, investors, agricultural holdings, finance and investment companies, farmers and private entrepreneurs, developers of smart technologies and IT solutions.

– Effective business strategies: energy generation, construction, infrastructure, a business plan for the successful development of an agricultural company.

– 10+ reputable experts: practical examples of opening and running the agricultural business – project financing, price policy, product promotion.

– Roadshow of innovative technologies and equipment from the world and Ukrainian leaders in the agricultural industry.

– Practical cases of production development from world agricultural companies.

 – TREND INNOVATIONS: solar and wind power plants, vertical farming (city farming), smart farming, drones, GPS navigation, CRM and other technologies.

Topics of the Forum:

o The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in 2018: expectations and prospects for the further year.

o What will happen with the grain market: predictions for a new season.

o Development of animal and crop production in new economic conditions.

o Agrarian machinery: innovations and novelties

o Leaders strategy: experience and strategies for the development of progressive agricultural holdings and companies in Ukraine.

o Investments in the domestic agroindustrial complex: how to attract investors, and where to invest today.

o HR in agribusiness.

o Agricultural insurance

o Agricultural IT: instruments and methods

After the forum, we kindly invite you to attend a small cocktail party for networking and prize drawing from our partner companies and speakers.

Join a progressive team of innovators and businessmen, send application forms and offers to: (e-mail) 

Or contact the project manager on

Check out updated information and preparations for the forum at the website:

and on the Facebook page:


Organizing Committee of the Smart Agro Business Forum

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