On November 16, 2020 at 11:00 an online business conference will be held with the participation of Ukrainian and Spanish diplomatic institutions, relevant ministries, the leadership of the CCI of both countries and the business circles of Ukraine and Spain.The event is organized in cooperation with the Association of Trade in Grains and Oilseeds of Spain
(LaAsociacióndeComerciodeCerealesyOleaginosasdeEspaña) by the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Spain, the Embassy of Spain in Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.We invite:
1) Producers and exporters of grains and oilseeds;
2) enterprises are ready to expand the geography of their exports to Latin America and Africa together with Spanish companies that have a traditionally developed presence in these markets;
3) enterprises that want to find partners (investors) for the implementation of joint projects in Ukraine for the production and processing of food products
The meeting program provides for a plenary part, which will highlight the nearest prospects and priority areas of Ukrainian-Spanish economic cooperation, a Q&A section and sectoral working groups in which companies can conduct B2B.
You can also act as an official partner of the forum, please check the conditions and possibilities with your contact persons.
The Q&A section also includes the introduction of the meeting participants, time is regulated.
Contacts for inquiries:
Zabashta Valeria (zva-zed@ucci.org.ua, tel.: +38 050 366 49 97)
Anna Lyubimaya (ast-ier@ucci.org.ua, dept.ier@gmail.com, tel.: +38 095 546 65 09)
Participation fee: 480 UAH (including VAT)
The conference will be held using the ZOOM system.
The duration of the webinar is 1:00 30 minutes.
Working language – Ukrainian, Spanish.
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Processors and Exporters of Grain, 1997-2025.
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