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Mixed fodders. Quality and Efficiency

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Mixed fodders: from tonnage to effectiveness

High-quality and safe mixed fodders are the most important guarantee of profitability for any company coming under livestock, poultry and pig production. The cost of feed in the structure of the prime cost of the final products in these industries ranges from 65% to 75%. The efficiency of combine fodder factories production directly affects the economic indicators of enterprises-consumers.

Taking into account the decline of production of mixed fodders that was fuelled by reduction in the number of livestock, issues related to the efficiency of various feeds are becoming increasingly important. To explore what is really happening in this market and its direction of the future development it is necessary to interact with market participants closely.

Market operators closely monitor the optimization of the type of diet. And at the same time – they face typical problems that arise during making feeds.

Saturated with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements and clearly verified recipes can significantly reduce the production costs for feeding in livestock enterprises without special losses for the production of finished products. Conversely, mistakes at any stage (from production to logistics and storage) are very expensive for them.

At the agrarian conference “Mixed fodders. Quality and Efficiency”, which will be held on August 14, 2018 in Kiev, the company “ProAgro Group” will offer a look at the situation with the efficiency of fodder production from opposite sides and discuss the challenges facing the industry today. All those who wish to register for the conference will find out about the innovations of companies specializing in the production of feed and additives and about the secrets of the efficiency of livestock companies using mixed fodder.

During the conference, issues related to the effectiveness of production and consumption of mixed fodders, work on quality, as well as the introduction of new technologies and innovative solutions in this area will be discussed.

We bring to your attention the following topics for discussion:

·         How to earn with margin reduction. The role of fodder production in livestock yield.

·         Economic aspects of efficiency and growth points in the production of mixed fodders.

·         Rational feeding as a prime cost control factor when consuming mixed fodders.

·         How to feed the livestock quantitatively and qualitatively: vitamins, supplements, premixes, veterinary drugs and other segments.

·         Work with residues: control of cancellation of mixed fodders.

·         European quality requirements: painful points of Ukrainian enterprises.

·         Safety of mixed fodders and their composition. Veterinary and phytosanitary risks.

·         Laboratory and veterinary control: determination of the quality of raw materials and mixed fodders.

·         Balancing the formula of mixed fodders for different types of farms: the importance of using additives and premixes.

·         Feedstock of the feedstuff industry in Ukraine: changing priorities of producers and consumers.

·         New technologies of processing and preparation of raw materials for production of mixed fodders.

·         Modern technology in the production of feed, premixes and concentrates.

·         Innovations in fodder production. Implementation of European approaches in Ukraine.

·         Software in livestock and feed production.

·         Ways of livestock development: own feed mill vs purchased mixed fodder.

Speakers of the practice of profile factories, buyers of mixed fodders, representatives of specialized laboratories, as well as manufacturers of equipment and software will express their opinion on sore points and share successful experience in improving production efficiency and the quality of mixed fodder.

Live discussions on the most burning topics will not bore neither listeners nor speakers. Come for new knowledge, experience and contacts! Registration for the conference is open.

See you on August 14!

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