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Кооперація на 360°

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Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome all fans of agro business to the Farmers’ Forum ” Кооперація на 360° “, which will be held on November 10, 2023.

Farmers’ Forum ” Кооперація на 360° ” is an annual event that gathers various agribusiness participants on one site, discusses important issues of farming, cooperation and the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, presents the experience of the best farmers, farms and agricultural enterprises from all regions of Ukraine.

The time is 09:00-18:00

Venue – UBI Conference Hall, 8 Dorohozhitska Street, Kyiv

Main topics of discussion panels:

Agrobusiness in Ukrainian way. Cheap is always expensive.

Selling grain – expert advice.

Why grain logistics is biting: storage, transshipment and delivery.

Results of the year, forecasts and “threats” for 2024: oil and grain prices.

Where and to whom to sell grain?

Land issues: master or missing?

Raiding in the agricultural sector: how to protect business

Expected number of participants: 200+

Target audience / participants: farmers, agricultural producers and processors, agricultural holdings, traders, logistics companies, trading companies.

We do hope you can make time in your busy schedule for the meeting and share your ideas on a topic of your choice and be a part of this successful conference.

More details about the event +380671412650

Participation fee: UAH 4,500 UAH – personal presence.


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