The cultivation of niche crops has long been one of the trends of agriculture in Ukraine, and try themselves in the niche as small farms, as well as large agroholdings.
The attractiveness of this segment of the market lies in fairly high profitability, the ability to diversify production risks and diversify crop rotation. In addition, niche production is characterized by export-oriented and mostly low-level competition.
Experts believe that the cultivation of niche crops can become an agro-enterprise as a pillow of safety. In particular, the niche can insure itself against such risks as unfavorable weather conditions for traditional cultures, falling prices for them or overcrowding of the market and intensifying competition.
At the same time, many agricultural producers who would like to enter the niche, do not know how to do it correctly and with minimal risks. Before them there are many questions: which culture to choose, where to look for seeds and remedies, how to properly care for crops, where to harvest, etc.
In order to find answers to these and many other questions, the ProAgro Group will hold a second conference “Niches Cultures: Challenges and Prospects 2019” on May 22, 2019, which will bring together leading market experts, agricultural companies with successful experience in niche crops growing and companies that are just beginning to look for themselves in a niche.
At the conference “Niche Cultures: Challenges and Prospects 2019” we will discuss:
Join our conference and stay tuned!
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