On May 25, 2021 in Kyiv (EVENT HALL OBOLON, Obolonska Naberezhna Street, 20,) the largest in Ukraine Grain Storage Forum ELEVATOR will be held dedicated to the storage, processing, logistics and trading of grain.
Organizing partners of the Forum are the ProAgro Group and Ukrainian Grain Association.
The purpose of this Forum is to attract to Ukraine innovative technologies and products for the efficient organization and functioning of the grain storage, processing and logistics industry.
The Grain Storage Forum ELEVATOR will consist of:
• Grain Storage Expo- exhibition of effective solutions and business communication zone
‘Grain storage and processing 2021’ Conference
‘Trading and Logistics 2021’ Conference
‘Feed Forum 2020’ Conference:
Work hours: 8:00 -19:00
We invite all market players to join Grain Storage Forum “ELEVATOR” and to develop a common vision of developments of Storage, Processing, Logistics and Trading Industries in Ukraine.
Important! The event will be held in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards and recommendations.
All participants in the event will be provided with personal safety equipment.
For participation, partnering and sponsorship of the Forum, please, contact Proagro Group:
Tel./fax: (+38 044) 248-02-67, (+38 067) 243-38-03.
E-mails: elevator.grainforum@ukr.net, proagro-inform@ukr.net
Website page: http://www.proagro.com.ua/events/silo2021/
Event website: https://grain-elevator-forum.com/
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