“Grain industrial forum 2020. Flour. Processing” is a specialized business-forum dedicated to the main questions of development of Ukrainian grain industry. It will be held for the second time as a part of the 10th international exhibition Grain Tech Expo 2020.
This year the forum will include two thematic sections:
Date: 18-19 February 2020
Venue: Conference room 9, International Exhibition Centre, 15 Brovarskyi Ave., Kyiv (Livoberezhna metro station).
Target audience: managers and specialists of elevator complexes, processing enterprises, flour milling complexes, exporters and grain traders, owners of agribusiness and farms, representatives of agroholdings, experts of specialized associations.
EXCLUSIVE! A special part of a strategic session dedicated to the questions of flour milling industry development will be a presentation of innovative technologies by Turkish companies.
Organizer: management teаm of agro-industrial exhibitions of Кyiv International Contract Fair, Ukrаinian Agrarian Confederation.
The event is supported by Ukrainian Grain Association, Union “Millers of Ukraine”, Ukrainian Grain Elevator Association.
Registration for the event is available here.
Tеlephone: +380 44 461 9368
Е-mail: agro@kmkya.kiev.ua
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