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The conference “Transportation and storage in agriculture”

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The specialized business event will unite Ukrainian agricultural producers, transportation and logistic companies, traders, as well as enterprises involved in the storage and processing of agricultural products. The dialogue will be focused on finding the optimal solutions in providing fast and high quality storage and transportation.

We will talk about road transport, railway and river transportations (river ports), advantages and disadvantages of each type, their dynamics over the past 3 years, problems and perspectives.

The conference experts will focus on:

●        The evolution of grain logistics in Ukraine;

●        Identified grain logistics bottlenecks;

●        Agricultural logistics outlook;

●        Structure of logistics expenses;

●        Supply chain mapping;

●        Recommendations.

Conference Transportation and storage in agriculture

Date: February 19, 2018;
Duration: 10am – 4pm;

The Venue: Hotel ALFAVITO, conference hall Briefing, 34 Predslavinskaya St., Kyiv, Ukraine
Contacts of the organizers: +380 97 900 63 27,

Conference website:

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