Australian and global grains industries to meet at AGIC 2018. Where does Australia fit in an emerging new marketplace?
Early Bird rates close 6 July. Register now
1-2 August, Crown Promenade Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
(Golf Day, 31 July)
Now in its 18th year, the Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC) is the premier industry conference on the grains industry calendar. It is hosted by leading industry associations Grain Trade Australia, Australian Oilseeds Federation and Pulse Australia. AGIC is a conference hosted by the industry, for the industry.
AGIC brings together all crucial participants in the Australian industry as well as many senior grains industry executives from around the globe. It is a golden opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors, and an unequalled networking opportunity for delegates. The Conference provides the latest information affecting the grains industry in Australia, and globally.
The AGIC 2018 program will canvas critical topics affecting the industry today and into the future. Global and Australian experts will speak at the Conference and participate in panel sessions. The ever-popular “CEO’s in Conversation” session will also return this year.
Excellent informal networking opportunities are available at the Grain Growers Welcome Reception and the very popular CBH Grains Industry Conference Dinner. Further opportunities to mix informally with other delegates exist in the GrainCorp Networking Hub and at the IKON AGIC Golf Day – to be held at the prestigious Huntingdale Golf Club.
AGIC 2018 is a must attend event, and a one-stop opportunity to meet with industry clients and friends, while catching up on the latest developments in the Australian and global grains industries.
With around 1000 delegates attending the Conference, all organisations involved in production, processing, logistics, marketing and servicing the grains industry will gain significant benefit from attendance at AGIC 2018.
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