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All about Gafta/Fosfa contracts

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Annual practical training course 


All about GAFTA/FOSFA Contracts 

On the 25-26th of February Interlegal invites you to join our traditional practical training course «All about GAFTA/FOSFA Contracts» for the trading and logistics companies.  

The peculiarity of the training course is in perfect combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills from experienced lawyers and international arbitrators. Speakers will share the current trends and insights in GAFTA/FOSFA arbitrations and deliver how to avoid the most common mistakes in trading contract performance.  

The event will happen online via Zoom platform 

Start – February 25, 11.00 (Ukrainian time) 

Preliminary Program:

February, 25

Day 1. Business as usual under English Law 

11.00 – 11.10 Welcoming participants, technical check 

11.10 – 13.10 English law: common principles and mistakes 

Speaker: Richard Faint, LMAA arbitrator, GAFTA ex-arbitrator, FOSFA arbitrator, United Kingdom 

– Common mistakes at the contractual correspondence 

– Breach of condition, as a right to walk away from the contract & claim damages 

– Difference between English common law & civil law jurisdictions 

– Bill of Lading, Contract and Charter Party: correlation and impact. GAFTA practice review 

– Demurrage under the Charter Party and commercial contract: main differences

13.10 – 14.10 Q&A Session

February, 26

Day 2. If something goes wrong 

Trends for contracts execution for 2021 (English Law, GAFTA/FOSFA arbitration, contract conditions) 

Speaker: TBA 

Trends for GAFTA arbitration during Covid-19 and new reality: Overview 

Speaker: TBA

Trends for FOSFA arbitration and contracts execution for oil products (meal, sunflower seed etc) 

Speaker: TBA 

Recent Black Sea practice case study (TOP 5 cases high importance) 

Speakers: Alexey Remeslo, associated partnerInterlegal; Igor Kostov, associate attorneyInterlegal; Mykola Kozachenko, lawyer, Interlegal

Сессия вопросов и ответов


Participation cost: 250 EUR 

When registering two or more participants, the organizer provides a 10% discount on the participation for the 2nd or more participants. The organizer reserves the right to limit and/or reject entry for non-core service companies. 

Contact person: Tatiana Lysenko, +38 095 231 25 10, 

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