The modern elevator is not only a storage space for crops. First and foremost, this is a complex providing a package of services for the reception, analysis, refinement, sorting, storage and formation of commodity lots of grain.
In addition, the development of complex infrastructure is a particular challenge for the elevator industry, as system interruptions with the supply of railway cars, limited possibilities for using alternative modes of transport, such as road and river, do not allow the redistribution of freight flows. This problem becomes particularly acute for port elevators during peak export periods.
In addition, it must be noted that the development of elevator infrastructure, despite the constant commissioning of new and modernization of existing elevator complexes, somewhat lags behind the growth rate of the harvest. For several years, the gross harvest of grain crops exceeds the capacity of their storage by 10-15 million tons. Particularly the shortage of storage capacities may become tangible in the current season due to the establishment of a new historical maximum of grain crops in Ukraine.
The agrarian conference “Elevator-2019” is dedicated to the identification of weak links in the elevator industry, the search for ways to eliminate them and to present modern technological solutions for elevator complexes.
Within the framework of the event, the following issues will be considered:
We invite all market participants to join the conference and to form a common vision of the development of the elevator industry in Ukraine!
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