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In 2020 Ukraine renewed record of agricultural export for the third year in row

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In 2020, the share of agro-industrial products in the general structure of exports from Ukraine reached 45%, declared the Deputy Director at the National scientific center “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS), Nikolai Pugachev, on February 9.

“According to the Institute figures, Ukraine exported agricultural products at the sum of 22.391 bln USD in 2020. It exceeded the record of 2019 (22.35 bln USD). Thus, Ukraine has renewed the historical record of agricultural export for the third year in row”, – N.Pugachev said.

He added that Ukraine set several other records in 2020.

“Record volumes of export were observed for sunflower oil (6.9 mln tonnes) and poultry meat (431 thsd tonnes). Moreover, Ukraine supplied abroad record volumes of honey (81 thsd tonnes), frozen fruits and berries (55 thsd tonnes), pasta (30 thsd tonnes) and canned tomatoes (66 thsd tonnes)”, – the expert said.

The growth of agricultural export was based on higher supplies to Asia that reached record 10.9 bln USD in 2020, up 16% from 2019.

At the same time, Ukraine cut export to the EU by 11% to 6.7 bln USD, Africa – by 12% to 2.9 bln USD and CIS by 13.3% to 1.3 bln USD.

“Grain and oilseed crops, oils, residues and waste from the food industries as well as meat and by-products remained the core of agricultural export. These products covered 85% of the total value of external supplies in 2020”, – the expert summarized.

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