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Ukraine’s harvest is coming to an end: corn production exceeds 24 mln tons

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Ukraine has harvested 73.6 mln tons of new grains and oilseeds on an area of 19.5 mln hectares. In total, 53.9 mln tons of grains and almost 19.7 mln tons of oilseeds were harvested.

In particular

  • wheat – 4.9 mln hectares (or 100%) were threshed, with a harvest of 22.4 mln tons
  • barley – 1.4 million hectares (or 100%) were threshed, with a harvest of 5.6 mln tons
  • peas – 212.3 thsd hectares (or 100%), harvested 469 thsd tons;
  • corn – 3.8 mln hectares (or 96%) were harvested, with a total harvest of 24.2 mln tons;
  • millet – 88.2 thou hectares (or 97%), with a harvest of 161.3 thsd tons;
  • buckwheat – 88.1 thsd hectares (or 99%), 131.7 thsd tons harvested;
  • sunseed – 4.9 mln hectares (or 97%) were harvested, with 10.2 mln tons harvested;
  • soybeans – 2.6 mln hectares (or 99%) were harvested, with 6 mln tons harvested;
  • rapeseed – 1.2 mln hectares (or 100%) were harvested, with 3.5 mln tons harvested.

In terms of gross grain harvest, the leaders are farmers in Odesa region – 4.6 mln tons, Chernihiv region – 4.5 mln tons, and Poltava region – 4.2 mln tons. In terms of yields, farmers in Khmelnytsky region are ahead with 7.74 t/ha, Chernihiv region – 7 t/ha, and Ternopil region – 6.87 t/ha.

Farmers are completing sugar beet harvesting on an area of 253.4 thsd hectares, or 98%. The company has harvested 12.1 mln tons of sweet roots.

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