According to operational data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, as of 10 October, grain and leguminous crops in Ukraine were harvested from a total area of 9.017 mln ha, which is 81% of the planned area (11.116 mln ha). The gross grain harvest is estimated at 40.161 mln tonnes with an average yield of 44.5 kg/ha.
It should be noted that as of October 12 last year, 35.597 mln tonnes of grain and leguminous crops were harvested from 7.738 mln hectares (71% of the forecast). The average yield on that date was estimated at 46 c/ha.
Currently, harvesting of late grain crops continues, in particular:
As for oilseeds, the harvesting of sunflower and soybeans continues and the indicators as of this date are as follows:
Also, Ukraine continues harvesting sugar beet, which as of October 10 was dug on 104.5 thousand hectares (40% of the planned), 4.99 mln tonnes with a yield of 477.8 c/ha.
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