Export of сereals, legumes (with products of their processing) and flour 2024/25 Mkt year, thousand tons as of 01.11.2024 (data of State Customs Service of Ukraine) https://minagro.gov.ua
2024/2025 Mkt year |
2023/2024 Mkt year |
Total | including:
for October 2024 |
for 01.11.2023 |
for October 2023 01.11.2023 |
Cereals and legumes, total | 14400 | 3953 | 9244 | 2491 |
wheat | 7742 | 1644 | 4633 | 1299 |
barley | 1699 | 376 | 682 | 60 |
rye | 10,6 | 3,1 | 0,9 | 0,1 |
maize | 4681 | 1917 | 3806 | 1121 |
Wheat flour, thousand tonnes | 23,4 | 6,0 | 41,5 | 6,8 |
Other flour, thousand tonnes | 2,2 | 0,6 | 1,5 | 0,5 |
Total flour, thousand tonnes
in terms of grain, thousand tonnes |
25,6 | 6,6 | 43,0 | 7,3 |
34,1 | 8,8 | 57,3 | 9,7 | |
Total export, thousand tonnes (grain + flour) |
14434 |
3962 | 9301 | 2501 |
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