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Daily number of ships moving under “grain deal” record low

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In January, the number of ship departures from Ukrainian ports remained at 2.7, i.e. an average of 2-3 ships per day. This is one of the lowest indicators for the entire existence of the “grain corridor”, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine reported on January 26.

This reduction is due to the artificial blocking of the “grain corridor” by Russian inspectors.

“The situation has worsened in recent days, and as of the end of January, the daily number of ships fell to 2.5. This is an anti-record indicator”, – the ministry emphasized.

Despite this, the average tonnage of shipments per vessel remained at 37 thsd tonnes in January, which is the best indicator during the operation of the “grain corridor”.

“But it did not have a positive effect on the total number of shipments in January. Thus, only 2.4 mln tonnes of grain passed by the “corridor”, while it was more than 4 mln tonnes in September and October. Particularly, 540 thsd tonnes of wheat were shipped in January, including 61 thsd tonnes sent to Africa”, – the ministry stated.

In total, 675 ships has already left Ukraine with a cargo of 18.4 mln tonnes under the “grain initiative”. The share of Africa is 2.3 mln tonnes, Asia – 5.1 mln tonnes, Europe – 7.5 mln tonnes, the Middle East – 3.4 mln tonnes.

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