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Weather conditions favor the development of crops in the world

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Weather conditions this spring contribute to the development of grain crops and oilseeds in most countries, however, excessive precipitation in United States can change the structure of sown areas and lead to decrease in yield of wheat and maize in the new season.

Wet weather with strong thunderstorms that prevailed this week in the Midwest and Southern Plains of the U.S. and will continue in the next 5-7 days, delaying sowing of spring crops and may cause the development of diseases on winter wheat crops.

Northern plains, wet weather also delays the sowing of spring crops, but low temperatures inhibit development of the resulting seedlings. In South Dakota on Wednesday, snow fell, which has become a strong stress to the plants.

Wet weather in the Southern Plains will strengthen the development of diseases on crops of wheat. Heavy rains, hail and wind will increase yield losses, especially in areas of Oklahoma, where the wheat is ripening. Rains delay sowing corn, soybeans and sorghum.

In areas of the Delta will prevail dry and warm weather, which would facilitate the planting and development of crops.

on the Canadian Prairie dry and warm conditions can accelerate sowing, however, the decrease in temperature next week may slow development of plants.

In Brazil, warm weather with little precipitation contributes to the development of corn second crop, and sufficient soil moisture reserves amid a forecast for the next few days rain to slow down the development of crops.

the Rain in East-Central and South-Eastern regions of Europe have improved conditions for winter wheat after a drought, replenished the soil moisture reserves, although delayed planting. In the North-Eastern districts, where, until recently, kept the drought, last week the rains.

In Belarus and Western Ukraine prolonged precipitation impeding sowing, whereas the South and East of Ukraine suffer from a lack of moisture. In the next 5-7 days, the rains on the East of the country, where sowing is almost completed, will improve the condition of crops.

the Eastern regions of Australia, New South Wales and Queensland affected by drought. The next decade there is storedcut the hot weather, which will worsen the condition of the plants and will reduce the next harvest.

In the North of China reigns mild weather with moderate rainfall and high temperatures, which will provide an adequate level of moisture in the growing regions of corn and soybean that will contribute to obtaining a good harvest.

In the North China plain hot and dry weather gives way to the monsoon season, which will contribute to the maturation of wheat and canola and development of soybeans, corn, rice and cotton.

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