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Next season, the EU will again reduce the production of rapeseed

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forecast By Strategie Grains, the result is due to lack of moisture reduction of the sowing areas under winter rapeseeds in the EU in 2019 will collect less than 20 million tonnes of canola that exceeds the lean of 2018 of 19.83 million tons, but 11% yield of the crop in 2017.

the acreage will be reduced by 12% to 6.07 million tonnes less than predicted in October. Due to the summer drought lack of soil moisture prevented sowing in the planned volumes.

this year, the EU gathered of 19.83 million tonnes of rapeseed, of 9.59 million tonnes of sunflower and 2.74 million tons of soybeans.

Despite the decline in rapeseed crop, the EU increased its imports in the current season, as the European Commission in September refused to impose import duty on cheap biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia, which led to a reduction in the production of biodiesel from oilseed rape.

However, the active supply of cheap Argentine biofuels had a negative impact on European producers of biodiesel, therefore, the European Commission has recently proposed to reinstate anti-dumping duties on biodiesel from Argentina in the amount of 25-33,4%. This proposal will take effect upon approval by all member countries of the EU.

Another factor in the reduction of rapeseed production in the EU will ban the use of herbicides containing Imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and trapan that from 19 December cannot be used when working in the fields and honey plants, and use only in greenhouses.

After bringing the death of bees in Europe due to the use of insecticides with neonatally, the European Commission has restricted their use. Farmers switched to other insecticides less efficient and effective, and some farmers generally abandoned the cultivation of rapeseed.

In Ukraine, winter rapeseed planted more than 1 million hectares. The condition of the crops gives the hope of getting a good crop that will meet the needs of the EU.

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