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To activate exports supported wheat prices

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After a long period of falling prices until at least 7 months yesterday, the wheat quotations on the MATIF in Paris rose 0.25 €/t to 195,5 €/t or 220,98 $/t on the background of increased exports.

Weekly wheat exports from the EU rose to 200,9 thousand tons, which reduced the rate of backlog from last year to 3%. EU countries exported 10,651 million tonnes of soft wheat, which is 19% lower than the level of the same period 2017/18 MG, although the previous week the gap was 22%. Improvement for the second consecutive week occurs due to France, whose share in the halls of the EU exports increased to 47%.

Import soft wheat in the EU amounted to 3,219 million tonnes, which is 25% higher than the same period 2017/18 MG, although the previous week the figure was 28%.

General grain exports from the EU as of 17 February was 17,712 million tonnes, which is 16% less than at the same date in 2017/18 MG (a week ago the gap was 17%). Grain imports reached 20,291 million tons, which is 35% higher than the previous season as it was last week.

Export of feed barley from the EU to third countries amounted to 3,014 million tons, and the lag from the period of the season 2017/18 increased to 20% compared to 18% a week ago. Barley imports reached 113,942 thousand tons, which is 71% less than last year (last week it was 70%).

corn Exports amounted to 1 248 million tonnes, which is 64% higher than the same period 2017/18 MG, whereas a week ago the figure was 62%. Corn imports increased to 15,549 million tonnes, which is 44% higher than the same period 2017/18 MG, whereas a week ago the figure was 43%.

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