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Safrinha Corn in Parana 91% Planted, Early Conditions are Good

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According to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral), farmers in the state of Parana have planted 91% of their safrinha corn crop. The corn crop is 7% germinating, 84% in vegetative development and 9% pollinating. Deral rates the safrinha corn crop as 7% in average condition and 93% in good condition.

The last safrinha corn to be planted in the state is in northern Parana. After some periods of dry weather in January, the weather in northern Parana improved in February and March and farmers in the region are expecting good corn yields. The president of the Rural Syndicate of Maringa, which is located in northern Parana, is expecting corn yields to average approximately 100 sacks per hectare or 92.4 bu/ac.

Planting of the safrinha corn crop is complete in western Parana where a record early soybean harvest allowed for early corn planting. The president of the Rural Syndicate of Toledo in western Parana indicated that the corn planted in January and early February is in good condition with a high yield prospect. The corn planted after February 15th, is just now in early vegetative development and will need good rains during April to achieve desired yields.

Parana is the second leading safrinha corn producing state after Mato Grosso and farmers in the state are concerned about the long range forecast that is calling for below normal rainfall in the state during April. If the forecast is verified, it could result in lower yields for the later planted corn.

Current corn prices in western Parana are in the range of R$ 29.00 per sack (approximately $3.45 per bushel) and farmers are concerned that prices may move lower if a large corn crop is confirmed in the state.

Farmers in western Parana are hoping for a good safrinha corn crop to partially offset a disastrous soybean crop. Hot and dry weather during late November and December severely impacted the early maturing soybeans. The soybean yields in Toledo ended up in the range of 30 to 40 sacks per hectare (26.6 to 35.5 bu/ac), which is far below their normal yields.

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