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Optimal period for planting winter cereals has begun in Ukraine

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It was warm in the country on September 18-21, with little precipitation in the south, east and west.

The average daily air temperature at the time was +19.5-22.1°С, i.e. 3-5°С above normal but 0.6-3.0°С lower than last year. The maximum air temperature was registered at +25-30°С, while the ground warmed up to +40-42°С. The minimum air temperature was as low as +8-14°С, while the ground surface cooled down to +5.3-15.5°С).

It is already the best time for sowing winter cereals, reports UkrAgroConsult. Precipitation of September 9-12 replenished productive topsoil moisture in areas intended for winter cereals. Its supply had been insufficient before.

The optimum sowing time for winter cereals in the Forest-Steppe zone is as follows: winter wheat and winter triticale – September 15-30 (the latest allowable date is October 5); winter barley – September 20-30 (October 10). In the Forest zone, the optimum sowing time for winter wheat and triticale is September 10-20 (September 25). Winter grains planted before September 10 have fully sprouted.

Farmers continue sowing winter rape. Where planted earlier (in August), it is already at the stage of one to three true leaves. In general, rape crops are in fair and good condition.


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