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Brazil’s 2020/21 corn crop seen at below 82 mln tonnes

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Brazil’s 2020/21 total corn crop is now expected to reach 81.9 million tonnes, more than 20 million tonnes below last year’s harvest, agriculture consultancy AgRural said on Monday, due to unfavourable weather conditions.

AgRural had previously estimated the corn crop to reach 82.2 million tonnes, versus 102.6 millions tonnes in 2019/20, following damages from drought and frosts.

Most of the cuts were made to Brazil’s second corn crop, currently being harvested, which is now seen at 55.6 million tonnes, versus 75.1 million tonnes in 2019/20. Harvesting reached 95% as of Thursday, AgRural said.

For Brazil’s 2021/22 first corn crop, AgRural said that planting in the Center-South region reached 10% as of Thursday, up 5 percentage points from the previous week but 4 points behind last season.

According to the firm, the sowing is still concentrated in the Southern states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. While the planting has “evolved well” in Rio Grande do Sul following last week’s rains, AgRural said that some areas in the other two states are in need of more showers.

AgRural estimated Brazil’s first corn crop to be planted in 2.973 million hectares, up 0.6% from the previous season.

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